
August 21, 2019


Ingrid measures 32 inches tall from the top of her pointy hat to the tips of her toes. 
She is made from cotton canvas, painted with acrylic chalk paints and stained with coffee.   I needle felted flax fiber as her hair.  I made her dress from a very old linen tablecloth.  (I know the history of the linen:   It belonged to a family here in Tennessee.  The woman who had it died in her 80's and that was 20 years ago.  She was a librarian.  The tablecloth belonged to her mother.  Though it doesn't show on Ingrid's dress, the table cloth has an M or W embroidered on it.  This worked out well because the mother's maiden name started with a W and she married a man whose last name started with an M....that's how old this tablecloth is.   I hated to cut it but it's too old and fragile to use as a tablecloth due to washing so I decided to  use it as dresses for dolls where they won't be washed and can continue on).  Ingrid's little tag reads Witch on one side and Ingrid on the other. 

Ingrid is designed and handcrafted by me. Signed and dated.